At Maplewood Dental Associates, our professional dentists and dedicated team of highly trained dental specialists know just how important it is to maintain a healthy smile! Quality time spent on flossing, brushing, and using mouthwash every day is crucial to preventing cavities from forming, as well as avoiding a wide array of conditions and diseases. Dental care with strict oral hygiene routines, treatments like sealants and fluoride, as well as regular visits to our office for routine cleanings are all integral to maintaining a sparkly-clean mouth, and keeping your overall health in tip-top shape for years to come!
Tooth Decay Prevention With Cosmetic Dentistry
Tooth decay is a progressive disease caused by the interaction of naturally occurring bacteria on the teeth and sugars from everyday foods. The sugar from these foods triggers a reaction with bacteria, producing acids that break down enamel in the teeth, eventually forming a cavity. Our expert dentists at Maplewood Dental Associates can remove this decay and fill the tooth using a variety of composite fillings, restoring the area to a healthy state.
Aside from cavities, nerve damage can also result from severe decay, and may eventually require a crown. Our office specializes in leading cosmetic dentist treatments, including offering same day crowns. However, to avoid unnecessary tooth decay and dental procedures, we recommend strict adherence to a dental hygiene regimen, including brushing and flossing twice-a-day, fluoride treatments, and regular dental checkups. Practicing good oral hygiene avoids unhealthy teeth and costly treatment later down the road.
The grooves and depressions that form the chewing surfaces of your back teeth are extremely difficult to completely clean away bacteria and food particles. As bacteria reacts with the food you eat, acids form and break down tooth enamel, and the majority of cavities are caused this way! Tooth sealants protect susceptible areas by sealing these grooves and depressions, preventing bacteria and food particles from resting on your teeth for too long. A resin-based sealant is typically applied to the back teeth, molars, and premolars as well as any other areas prone to cavities. Sealants last for several years, but they need to be checked during your regular dental appointments at Maplewood Dental Associates.
Fluoride helps teeth become stronger and resistant to decay. Regularly drinking water treated with fluoride, as well as brushing with fluoride-rich toothpaste, ensures a significantly lower rate of cavities. Our dentists can evaluate the level of fluoride in your primary drinking water source and recommend fluoride supplements (usually in tablets or drops) when necessary.
Non-Nutritive Oral Habits In Children
Thumb sucking is a natural reflex that relaxes and comforts babies and toddlers! Children usually stop this non-nutritive oral habit when their permanent front teeth are ready to erupt, typically between ages two and four. Thumb sucking that persists beyond the eruption of primary teeth can cause improper growth of the jaw and misalignment of the teeth.
Some ways to help your child outgrow thumb sucking include:
Don't scold your children for this behavior—instead, praise them when they don't suck their thumb!
Focus on eliminating the cause of anxiety—thumb sucking is often a comfort device that helps children cope with stress or discomfort.
Praise them when they refrain from the habit during difficult periods.
Place a bandage on the thumb or a sock on their hand at night.
If you notice prolonged or vigorous thumb sucking behavior in your child, please make sure to chat with one of our dentists about early dental care at Maplewood Dental Associates!
Contact Your Cosmetic Dentist For Expert Dental Care Today!
With world-class dental technology and years of in-depth experience, Maplewood Dental Associates provides you and your family with the best cosmetic dentist treatments in Maplewood, St. Paul, and the surrounding areas. We offer a wide variety of dental treatments to patients both young and old, and we promise our team will work with you to find the right treatment plan for your specific needs! Whether you're due for a routine cleaning or are interested in teeth whitening or any other cosmetic dentist treatments, don't hesitate to contact our office at 651-390-7288 or request an appointment with our online form. From all of us at Maplewood Dental Associates, we look forward to providing you and your family with expert dental care!