Why Teeth Cleanings Are Essential

Posted on 12/21/2017
Girl getting her teeth cleaned at the dentist

Everyone knows that daily brushing and flossing are the cornerstones to a healthy smile - but on their own, they aren't sufficient to prevent dental decay. While brushing and flossing are important, it's simply not possible to completely clean the teeth on your own. As a leading dental practice serving the Maplewood, MN area, Maplewood Dental Associates has helped countless patients maintain a healthy smile and regular dental cleanings are an essential part of that process.


Why Do I Need Dental Cleanings?

When you brush and floss, you remove bacteria, food particles, and corrosive compounds from your mouth, helping to protect your teeth from decay. This is a crucial part of a healthy smile and should never be neglected. But on its own, it's not enough.


Over time, bacteria can attach themselves firmly to caked on food particles and eventually to the tooth enamel itself. These bacteria congeal into a mat-like biofilm called plaque - and unfortunately, plaque is extremely difficult to remove without specialized dental tools. When exposed to naturally-occurring calcium in the mouth, plaque can actually absorb the mineral, hardening into a substance called tartar. Tartar is nearly impossible to remove without specialized scraping tools and a trained dental hygienist - brushing and flossing won't remove it.


To protect the health of your smile, it's vital to maintain a diligent oral hygiene regimen that includes both daily brushing and flossing as well as dental exam and cleaning appointments twice a year. Only through regular professional examination and cleaning can you eliminate plaque and tartar, prevent dental decay, and protect your smile for years to come.


Schedule an Appointment with Your St. Paul Dentist

A healthy, beautiful smile requires consistent care - and at Maplewood Dental Associates, we're proud to provide that care to patients all over the Maplewood area. Contact us today if you have questions about proper oral hygiene, or if you'd like to come in for a checkup or teeth cleaning appointment, request an appointment using our easy online form. We hope to hear from you soon, and we look forward to helping you maintain a beautiful, healthy smile!

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